weight: 19lbs (40th percentile)
height: 29inches (78th percentile)
head: 50th percentile – woot!
Interesting Tidbits
- feeds himself
- eats way too many cheerios
- drinks from a sippy
- can scoot and crawl-ish short distances
- can roll long distances
- 4 teeth
- claps
- waves goodbye
- gives kisses (open mouth kisses and “blows” kisses.This just looks like patting his mouth, but he does it in response to his teachers blowing kisses at daycare)
- recognizes himself in the mirror. We call the other Ivan “Mirror Ivan”
- “dances” when he hears music (or the skype ring…) Ivan’s dancing looks like leaning forward and head bobbing
- says ma ma, da da, ba ba, yeaaaaa (no association to particular people or things)
- starting to throw temper tantrums. Currently he gets angry when we take the tooth brush away from him. There is screaming, slapping, yelping, shaking of the arms
- has separation anxiety. When he can’t see one of his teachers at daycare he cries until they come back. Sometimes he cries when I drop him off, it is worse when he is sick.
- wants to “practice” crawling all night long, half asleep. This results in a lot of head banging.
- gets excited when we skype with people, starts to get excited as we’re calling/setting things up
- sleeps through the night about 50% of the time
- has decided he is a night owl and goes to bed after 9pm, no matter what we do.
- doesn’t need to eat in the middle of the night anymore
Ivan Loves:
- eating
- feeding himself
- playing with things the kitchen
- pushing toys/cars/baskets back and forth
- reading books
- chewing on phones/ipods/etc.
- music, when people sing to him
Ivan Hates:
- being left alone
- when he can see his bottle, but he is not drinking it yet
Things we’ve learned this month:
- teething sucks
- ivan is remembering activities / games that we play
- diaper rash sucks – and bag balm is awesome (thanks Ali!)
Bonus photos from our 9m mini living room shoot: